Event Replay: How to Get Grant Funding
At our virtual webinar copresented by Craft Ontario, ceramicists Naomi Clement and Heidi McKenzie shared their expertise on applying for and receiving grant money. Here’s the replay of the event.
Want to upgrade your marketing skills, learn to make your website work better and connect with other business owners who can help you succeed? Join our regular virtual get-togethers on these topics and more. Plus, read our recaps of previous events — paid members can view video recordings, too.
At our virtual webinar copresented by Craft Ontario, ceramicists Naomi Clement and Heidi McKenzie shared their expertise on applying for and receiving grant money. Here’s the replay of the event.
At our virtual webinar with business consultant Deb Alcadinho, we learned how defining your “higher purpose” can help you build an impactful, profitable and ethical business. Here’s the replay of the event.
October 25, 2023 | Join Workshop and Craft Ontario as we welcome ceramicists Naomi Clement and Heidi McKenzie to share their expertise on applying for and receiving grant money.
Sept 26, 2023 | Join Workshop and business consultant Deb Alcadinho for a live virtual session on how finding your “higher purpose” can help you build an ethical business, reach new customers and make more money.
At our virtual webinar with content strategist Jasmine Williams, we learned about why storytelling matters in business. Here’s the replay of the event.
Here's an overview of the Canadian intellectual property laws we learned about during our February 25th virtual event with lawyer Czarina Pacaide. Plus, watch the replay!
March 30, 2023 | Join Workshop as we welcome content strategist Jasmine Williams for a live virtual session on why your business story matters and how it can help you succeed.
February 25, 2023 | Join Workshop as we welcome lawyer Czarina Pacaide of Anahaw Law for a live virtual session on what you need to know about copyright, trademarks and patents as a small-business owner.
When you have too much to do, how do you know where to start? This is the question business strategist Kim Cota answered for us on September 20th, during a live virtual event. Plus, watch the replay of the event.
September 20, 2022 | Join Workshop and small business coach Kim Cota of Beautiful Thinkers for a live virtual session on streamlining your business so you can get the important things done without getting overwhelmed.
On June 14, a group of Workshop members got together to chat about the why and the how of content creation. The most important thing we learned: there’s a simple formula for finding the joy in marketing. Plus, a video replay to watch on your own time.
For our May 30th event, we welcomed three retail experts. Here, we round up their top advice on selling wholesale and how to build strong relationships with retail stores. Plus, watch the replay of the event!
June 14, 2022 | Overwhelmed by creating content and not sure how to focus? Join Workshop co-founder Kat Tancock for a webinar and Q&A on the basics of content marketing and how to make it work for you.
May 30, 2022 | Join Workshop and our panel of retailers as they share tips and answer questions on selling wholesale, getting your products into shops and what it takes to cultivate strong relationships with buyers.