“I'm going to challenge your thinking today. I hope that’s okay.”

That’s how business strategist Deb Alcadinho of Business 4 Social Good opened her Workshop webinar on September 26.

As a seasoned entrepreneur, Deb has a lot of expertise to share—and she began by highlighting what she calls the “purpose revolution,” defined as the increasing desire by customers, employees and investors to make decisions based on purpose. “They want their purchases, their work and their investments to go toward making a difference in the world,” she said.

How does that relate to you, as a business owner? Is it possible to earn a living and fulfill your purpose at the same time, with the same company? Deb discussed these questions in detail and shared her five steps toward finding your purpose and integrating it into your business, followed by a Q&A with attendees.

Workshop members can watch the entire replay of the event below.

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