
Building a successful handmade business requires a lot of work behind the scenes. From big-picture visioning and strategy down to the nitty-gritty of how to get things done day to day, these articles are your maker-biz MBA. Learn about hiring and building a strong team; make sense of contracts, copyright and everything legal; find out how to manage your money and finances; and discover tools and systems to improve productivity, handle inventory and more.

Ask the Expert: How Do You Prepare for Emergencies in Business?

Ask the Expert: How Do You Prepare for Emergencies in Business?

If the COVID pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that the world — and our businesses — can turn upside down in an instant. In our first expert Q&A, maker and business coach Laura-Jean Bernhardson answers one member’s question of how to prepare your business for the worst-case scenario.

Why Feeling Lazy Means You’re Working Too Hard

Why Feeling Lazy Means You’re Working Too Hard

In their book Laziness Does Not Exist, Dr. Devon Price challenges cultural assumptions about productivity and time management. Here, we speak with them about what that might mean for your business — and your life.

Discuss: How Did Your Business Get Started?

Discuss: How Did Your Business Get Started?

In this month's discussion topic, we're talking beginnings — including the story of how Workshop came to be. Drop by and share your story: how did your business start, and what advice would you give yourself if you were doing it all over again?

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